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14th Camellia festival in Opatija

04.04.2022. - 11.04.2022. / Opatija

Angiolina Park is one of the most celebrated parks in Croatia and the most famous park in Opatija. With a great variety of plant species from different parts of the world, this park can be described as the green heart of the town. The camellia, which thrives in this park, has become a symbol of Opatija. 



Monday, April 4th

Katica Dražić, horticultural engineer and camellia expert, will present  the beautiful camellia shrub and flower to the children of Opatija Kindergarten
Tuesday, April 5th, at 2 p.m.

Camellia cultivation WORKSHOP in the Angiolina Park nursery.
The workshop will be led by Katica Dražić, horticultural engineer and camellia expert: agro-technical measures, transplanting from cuttings, marcotting, protection, care.

Wednesday, April 6th

Katica Dražić, horticultural engineer and camellia expert, will present the "School in Nature" in the Park Angiolina to the  sixth grade pupils  of the Opatija Elementary School, topic: camellias.

Wednesday, April 6th, at 6 p.m. in Villa Antonio

Presentation  by the founder of the Association of Camellia Lovers in Opatija and an expert in the history of camellias in Opatija, Jan Bernd-Urban, topic: Opatija camellias.

Thursday, April 7th

Prof. Romana Lekić, PhD, Head of Tourism at Edward Bernays University College, will introduce the symbol of love - camellia - and the magic of Angiolina Park.

Friday, April 8th, at 6 p.m. - Grand opening of the Exhibition
Special art program: host Dražen Turina Šajeta, participants: Olga Šober, national champion of opera, and maestra Nada Matošević Orešković with the aria "E strano" from the opera La Traviata, guitarist Natko Štiglić, choir of the elementary school R.K. Jeretov, young accordionist Dorian Rubeša...

Saturday, April 9th, at 11 a.m.

Guided walk through Angiolina Park. Entrance to the Exhibition in the Šporer Pavilion. Voting for the most beautiful camellia flower. Presentation and tasting of the Camellia sinensis green tea cultivated in the Veprinac village, above Opatija
A professional guide for hotel guests - in Croatian, a member of the association.

Saturday, April 9th, at 1 p.m.

Planting of one donated camellia in the city park, ceremonial registration in the Golden Book of Donators

Sunday,  April 10th, at 11 a.m.

Guided walk through Angiolina Park. Entrance to the Exhibition in the Šporer Pavilion. Voting for the most beautiful camellia flower. Presentation and tasting of the "Camellia sinensis" green tea cultivated at the Veprinac village above Opatija.
A professional guide for hotel guests. In Croatian, a member of the association.

Sunday,  April 10th

at noon - "Small flower Lungomare parade" by Kindergarten Opatija 

at 6 p.m. - closing ceremony of the Camellia Festival. The host of the program is Dražen Turina Šajeta, guitar music by Jenny Lazarić Jungić and Dragan Jungić, poetry recitation by Ivana Klovar. 
Acknowledgments. Announcement of winners in the following categories:
* Pictures made by elementary school pupils
* Photos of camellia flowers and shrubs in the Kvarner Region
* Camellia flower in the Šporer Pavilion selected by the votes of exhibition visitors.


Photo by Arsen Miletić

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