
The Baška Glagolitza Path


The Baška Glagolitza Path stretches along the valley of Baška where the famous stone tablet, an important document on Croatian statehood from 1100 AD, was found in 1851. It is a monument of lasting value on Croatian statehood and the rich history and culture of the region.

The path consists of stone sculptures and extends from the saddle of Treskavac to the Old Quay in the port of Baška. The path is not in a straight line but the sculptures are located beside important cultural and historical spots or important natural areas.

 There are 34 stone sculptures with engraved Glagolitic characters; four of them are quite big and are the work of the academic sculptor Ljubo De Karina, who is also the mentor and artistic project manager, and there are also 30 smaller sculptures, created in sculpture workshops in Baška.

A 35th, dedication sculpture has been added to this series of sculptures, dedicated to the Glagolitza and the Glagolitic priests.

Look for the brochure:

"Kvarner's cultural history"

«Hiking tracks and promenades»

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