Cose d’interesse

L’acquario di Bescanuova: il mondo misterioso del mare e dei suoi fondali


The Baška Aquarium is the ideal place for those who wish to get acquainted with the secrets of the sea but from an – acceptable distance. Namely, in the main area of the Krk tourist centre Baška there is an aquarium where this is possible – here one can see a lot of Adriatic fish such as catfish, eels, spiny lobsters, groupers, octopuses…

In the aquarium there is one of the biggest collections of Adriatic shells and snails in Croatia. The richness and variety of Adriatic fish can be admired in nine aquariums.

Each of them is equipped with its own circulation, filtering system, and device for maintaining water temperature at about 200C. The fish are fed following precisely defined recipes and at fixed intervals. The whole aquarium system is modernly automated and under permanent supervision.

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